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LSU Vet Med Disaster Relief & Emergency Support

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Disaster Relief & Emergency Support

Two funds help us meet our responsibilities during emergencies. These funds are critical for us now:

The Disaster Preparedness and Response Fund at LSU Vet Med is used for expenses incurred through disaster-related planning, operations, logistics, administration, safety, and transportation related to an incident. The fund covers expenses such as patient care, equipment, personnel, supplies, communications, and the many additional costs associated with disaster preparedness and response.

The Sullivan Student Emergency Fund allows us to provide limited, short-term financial assistance to full-time LSU veterinary students who are experiencing a financial barrier to continuing their education due to an emergency situation such as an accident, illness, death of a family member, loss of housing or employment, or other unforeseen events. Eligibility for this assistance is when students have exhausted other available resources. Awards of up to $2,500 per student per academic year may be made.

Thank you so much for your contributions! Your donations make a difference in the lives of people and animals when needed most.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!