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LSU Battle of the Bands

LSU Battle of the Bands

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Join us for Battle of the Bands!

Welcome to the Battle of the Bands Fundraiser! We are excited to launch this campaign to support the Golden Band from Tigerland. Our goal? To engage with 700 donors and surpass our numbers from the 2019 Battle of the Bands Magnolia Bowl crowdfunding campaign, which included 540 donors and raised $30,543! This crowdfunding effort will also amplify awareness about Tiger Band support opportunities that exist through the Four Notes Club, a philanthropic group for alumni and supporters of Tiger Band established in 2019.

By creating a competition against our numbers from 2019, we hope to re-engage first-time donors from the 2019 campaign to renew their gift, excite new donors to make a gift, and engage Tiger Band alumni committed to the future of Tiger Band. A gift of $50 or more to support our Four Notes Club Fund will automatically provide you the opportunity to join The Four Notes Club via a sign up code. Joining the Four Notes Club is a great way to stay engaged with Tiger Band Alumni, supporters and friends to provide philanthropic support for the hardworking students of Tiger Band. Membership to The Four Notes Club also provides VIP opportunities such as discounts on their Alumni Band Weekend package.

In the spirit of friendly competition against our numbers from 2019, we will send communications out to past donors and band alumni to advance our goal of 700 donors during the campaign timeframe! The LSU Foundation is excited to partner with the College of Music & Dramatic Arts and the Four Notes Club to help advance this giving opportunity.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!